21 Feb 2023

In the past few days, our company, in cooperation with the BH asocijacija turskih alumnija – TUMED , organised the collection of aid for the most vulnerable population of Turkey and Syria. With the help of individuals and companies of the city of Lukavac and the Tuzla Canton, we managed to collect a truckload of the most necessary things that will help the people in need while they spend their days in tents, far from their homes.

We would like to highlight the help of the Student Hotel Dorrah – Hotel Dorrah , as well as the Edukacijski centar Nahla – Tuzla, who prepared a large number of hygiene packages for women.

Thanks also to the Lukavac Red Cross for their help. In case of need, we will organise the collection of aid again, which we will inform you about in a timely manner.